A dental implant is among the most sophisticated and also effective therapies for changing teeth.

A dental implant is a titanium screw that is drilled into your jaw, to which a natural-looking fabricated tooth is attached. Titanium has the ability to attach itself to the bone, holding well in position.

Dental implants are unbelievably strong and resilient, providing you satisfaction with a shiny brand-new smile and a huge increase in positive self-image!

The treatment is not one to be rushed into so make sure you talk it all over with your dentist prior to you booking an appointment to start your implant journey.

To help you understand and provide you with a little background prior to your call with your local dental expert, here’s our guide to oral implants.

Are Dental Implants Ideal for Everyone?

The treatment is suitable for the majority of people, as long as you have healthy and balanced adequate gum tissues and also mouth. Even if you have tooth decay or gum tissue disease, this can generally be dealt with prior to commencing treatment.

Oral implants aren’t suggested for any individual under the age of 18 since their bones are still growing. It’s also not advised if you smoke, have poorly controlled diabetes, or have actually undertaken radiotherapy in your jaw area.

Dental Implants Treatment Examination

The procedure starts with an examination from your dental professional. They’ll examine the wellness of your mouth, running special tests using X-Ray or often a CT scan.

They want to see how healthy and balanced your bone is to determine whether it can support a dental implant.

At your examination, you’ll get the full quote and also the estimated project timescale.

Preparatory Treatment

Should you determine to go ahead, you may need to undergo additional treatment to prepare your mouth for the dental implant procedure. These are all things you’ll discuss with your dental practitioner either when you have your first examination or in a follow-up.

Rotten or broken teeth will certainly be drawn out to make room for the implants. If you have worn out bone, you may need a bone graft.

Placement of Implant

To fit the implant, you’ll be offered a local anaesthetic to numb your mouth. The huge bulk of individuals do not really feel any kind of pain in any way, only a slight discomfort. The dental practitioner will cut into your gum tissue and drill a small hole in your jawbone, which the dental implant will be slotted right into.

For some individuals, the synthetic tooth can be quickly fitted onto the dental implant.

For most individuals undergoing dental implant treatment, it will certainly be a waiting game hereafter. The implant demands time to fuse with the bone surrounding it. This can take anywhere between 6 weeks and 6 months.

You might be offered a denture to put on during the implant process.

Artificial Tooth Installation

Once everything is ready your new teeth will be fixed inside your mouth.

In the next few days and maybe weeks you might experience a little discomfort, consisting of inflammation and also swelling. You must choose soft foods and your dentist may provide you with a program of antibiotics or a disinfectant mouth wash just to see your new teeth are kept tip-top and problem free.


To make sure that the process is running efficiently, make certain to check in with your dental professional consistently. You need to participate in consultations every 3-6 months – so a bit more regularly than your normal 6-month check-up.

Cleaning your oral implants complies with the exact same guidelines as your genuine teeth. Even if the implants aren’t genuine teeth, it doesn’t suggest that you don’t require to clean them as normal or you risk establishing gum disease. Brush and also floss twice daily and don’t smoke.

If you take good treatment of your dental implants, they ought to last a lifetime.


Oral Implants Expense

Quotes from different dentists for different oral implant treatments will range extensively but do not be lured to opt for the cheapest quote you discover. It’s more vital to make sure the dental professional is fully qualified as well as has a riches of experience to make use of.

Oral implants are not available on the NHS.

Just How Do Dental Implants Contrast To Other Techniques?

Various other methods you may be looking into might include bridges, crowns and also dentures.

Dental implants might cost more than crowns and bridges at first, but in the long run, they are a cost-effective alternative to other treatments.

Oral implants are a lot sturdier than dentures. As implants are firmly connected in your mouth, whereas dentures can move.

There are many rewards to choosing oral implants over other methods. They really feel secure and solid, help to prevent bone loss, can improve speech problems, permit you to eat a larger selection of foods a lot more quickly, and they don’t call for any type of adhesives or specialistic cleaning tools.

It can be a pricey therapy with a longer therapy time than other methods, yet in the lasting, it is a financial investment worth its price as well as time dedication.

For more information or to book a consultation please call The Practice at Mortlake on 020 8876 5398